
Friend or foe? (Mk 9:38-50)

(Questions for meditation)
  1. Why did the disciples forbid someone to cast out devils in Jesus’ name? Did Jesus only give the 12 disciples the power to drive out demons? (Luke 10:1,9,17)

  2. In the passage of verses 38-41, whom did Jesus regard as gospel partners?

  3. What did ‘offending the believer’ mean in verse 42?

  4. How many times was the word ‘offend’ used from verses 43 to 48? What did ‘offending oneself’ mean?

  5. How did Jesus emphasize the seriousness of the consequence of offending oneself?

  6. How did Jesus describe the plight of the hell? In which parable did Jesus reveal the feeling of being in hell? (Luke 16:19-31)

  7. What did Jesus suggest in urging the sinners to get rid of their sinful life?

  8. What did Jesus mean when he used ‘salt’?

  9. Why did Jesus call the disciples to “have peace” with one another (v50)?