
Who am I? (Mark 8:27-30; Matt 16:13-20)

(Questions for meditation)
  1. Why did Jesus ask the disciples the two questions (v27,29)? Which one was he concerned about more and why?

  2. When John the Baptist began to baptize and preach, whom did people guess him to be? (John 1:19-21)

  3. Was the life styles of Jesus and John the Baptist similar? (Mark 1:4-6; Matt 11:18-19)

  4. In what aspects were Jesus and John the Baptist similar?

  5. How did the prophet Elijah leave the world? Has the Old Testament prophesied his return at all? (II Kings 2:11; Malachi 4:5-6)

  6. Whom does ‘Elijah’ in Mal 4:5-6 actually refer to? (Matt 17:10-12; Matt 11:10,14; Luke 1:13,17)

  7. Why would people think that Jesus was the prophet Jeremiah (Matt 16:14)? How did both of them prophesy about the fate of Jerusalem? (II Chron 36:17-21; Matt 23:37-38)

  8. John 1:21 states that the Jews asked if John the Baptist was “that prophet”. Why would they ask him such question? (Deut 18:15-18)

  9. Whom does ‘the prophet’ mentioned in Deut 18 refer to? (John 5:46; Acts 3;22-23,26)

  10. Mark 6:2-3 states that the countrymen of Jesus would not consider Jesus to be the Christ. Why?

  11. Why was Peter able to be the first one to confess Jesus as the Christ? Do you think that Peter knew Jesus more than the other disciples did?

  12. How much do you think you know Jesus? What factors will you consider in determining how much you know the Lord?

  13. What sort of mission did Jesus assign Peter in Matt 16:17-19? Is this mission related to you at all?