
Compare 2 cases of healing the blind (Mark 8:22-26; 10:46-52)

(Questions for meditation)

1st case (Mark 8:22-26)

  1. Why did Jesus bring the blind man out of town for healing?

  2. It took two steps of Jesus’ healing for the blind man to recover his sight completely. What is your reflection about the blind man's recovery?

2nd case (Mark 10:46-52)

  1. Why did the author record the name of the blind man this time?

  2. The blind man called Jesus ‘son of David’. What does it reflect about his acknowledgment of Jesus’ identity?

  3. What is the difference between this blind man and the first one in the way of asking Jesus for healing? What message does it reflect?

  4. What is the similarity of this blind man and the Canaanite woman (Matt 15:21-23) in the way of asking Jesus for healing?

  5. The blind man finally gained the attention of Jesus. What have you learnt from the attitude and move of the blind man in his request?

  6. Why did Jesus only say a couple words in his healing this time and have no other special movement like the first case?

  7. Compare the healing cases of this blind man, the Canaanite woman (Mark 7:29) and the centurion (Matt 8:13). What are the common things with respect to Jesus’ response and healing method? What message have you got from it?

  8. What have you learnt from the two blind men’s healing cases in terms of faith and the experience of the Lord’s power?