
He who has ears, let him hear (Mk 4:21-25; Mt 5:14-16; Lk 8:16-18)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. What does the candle in 4:21 represent? How are 4:22 and 4:21 related? (Matt 5:16)

  2. Everyone who listens to Jesus has ears to hear Jesus’ message. Why does he still emphasize in 4:23 “if any man have ears to hear, let him hear”?

  3. When Jesus said in 4:24a “Take heed what ye hear”, what does he really mean?

  4. What is the difference between 4:24a and Luke 8:18a in wording and meaning?

  5. How do you relate Luke 8:18a to the parable of the sower?

  6. How much did the messages and testimonies that you heard in the past affect the growth of your spiritual life?