
The twelve disciples (Mk 3:13-19; Mt 10:1-4; Lk 6:12-16)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. Why did Jesus choose the twelve disciples?

  2. In Matt 14:22-33, what can we learn from Peter?

  3. In John 13:1-10, what do we see about Peter’s character?

  4. In Mark 10:35-41 and Luke 9:51-56, what are the shortcomings of James and John?

  5. What do we see from Mark 5:35-37, Matt 17:1-2 and Mark 14:32-33?

  6. In John 6:5-9 about Andrew, what is the lesson for us?

  7. In John 1:45-47 about Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew), why would Jesus praise Nathanael?

  8. In John 20:24-29 about Thomas, what do we see about him?

  9. Why did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus? (Matt 26:15-16, John 12:3-6)