
The empty tomb (Mk 16:1-8; Mt 28:1-8,11-15: Lk 24:1-12; Jn 20:1-10)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. According to the Four Gospels, what day and time did the women visit the tomb? What did it tell about their feeling?

  2. According to the Four Gospels, who went to the tomb to pay tribute to Jesus?

  3. Besides paying tribute to their Lord, what else did they intend to do? Was it feasible?

  4. How was the stone rolled away?

  5. How did the Gospels record the event after the women entered the tomb? Is there any difference in their records?

  6. How did the Gospels record the reaction of the disciples?

  7. When the chief priests have heard the report of the keepers, what was their reaction?

  8. In today’s passage, if someone challenges you that Jesus’ body is stolen by the disciples, can you analyze the whole matter and make an inference to prove that Jesus is truly risen from the dead?