
Jesus’ appearance (Mk 16:9-18; Mt 28:9-10,16-20; Lk 24:13-48; Jn 20:11-29, 21:1-19)

(Questions for meditation)
  1. How did Mary Magdalene meet Jesus?

  2. Why wasn’t Mary scared when she saw the angels (John 20:12)?

  3. Why did Jesus ask Mary again, ‘Woman, why weepest thou?’ (John 20:15)?

  4. Why did Jesus first appear to Mary?

  5. In the word of Jesus to Mary in John 20:17, what special message was conveyed for Mary?

  6. How did a group of women meet Jesus?

  7. Why did Jesus tell the disciples to meet him in Galilee (Matt 28:10)?

  8. How did the two disciples (v12) meet Jesus? Were they among the twelve apostles?

  9. These two disciples did not recognize Jesus (Luke 24:16), same as Mary at the beginning. What is the difference between the two situations?

  10. What special purpose was there for the two disciples to fail to recognize Jesus?

  11. Why did the two disciples retain Jesus (Luke 24:29)?

  12. What is the difference of the purposes for Jesus to appear to the two disciples and to Mary?

  13. A group of disciples assembled in a place with the doors shut for fear of the Jews. (John 20:19) What did they fear?

  14. What did they think of Jesus when he appeared to them?

  15. How did Jesus prove to them that he was the risen Lord?

  16. Why did Jesus make them understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45)?

  17. According to Jesus’ word to the disciples in John 20:23, did the disciples really have the authority to forgive sins?

  18. According to Jesus’ word in Mark 16:17-18, what role did “signs” play in the gospel ministry?

  19. Why did Jesus appear to an assembly of disciples for the second time? How long from the first appearance?

  20. What message is expressed about Thomas in his reaction to Jesus in John 20:28?

  21. Where did Jesus appear to a group of disciples for the third time? How many disciples were there?

  22. Did Peter have a similar fishing experience before as that recorded in John 21? (Luke 5:1-11)

  23. Why did Jesus prepare breakfast for the disciples (John 21:12)? What message did he want to get across?

  24. Why did Jesus three times tell Peter to ‘feed my sheep’ (John 21:15-17)?

  25. Why did Jesus call Peter to follow him again (John 21:19)?

  26. Where did Jesus give the Great Commission to the eleven disciples?

  27. When the disciples met Jesus, why still “some doubted” (Matt 28:17)? What do you think they doubted about?

  28. What is the difference between the Great Commission in Matt 28:18-20 and Jesus’ word in Mark 16:15-16?

  29. To whom else did Jesus appear? (I Cor 15:4-7)

  30. When was the last time Jesus appeared to the disciples? (Acts 1:4-9)

  31. According to Acts 1:3, Jesus spoke to the disciples “of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God”. Why?

  32. Did Jesus appear to any more disciple(s) after he rose to heaven? (Acts 9:3-7,15-16; Rev 1:9-19)

  33. In view of the incidents of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples, what expectation did he have for them?

  34. What expectation do you think that Jesus has for you?