
The burial of Jesus (Mk 15:42-47; Mt 27:57-66; Lk 23:50-56; Jn 19:31-42)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. How did the Four Gospels introduce Joseph?

  2. Which day of the week was Jesus buried?

  3. Why did the Jews demand that the legs of the criminals be broken (John 19:31)?

  4. Why did the soldier pierce the side of Jesus (John 19:34)?

  5. “A bone of him shall not be broken.” (John 19:36) What special meaning does it have? (Exo 12:43-47)

  6. Why did Pilate wonder if Jesus was dead when Joseph asked for Jesus’ body?

  7. John mentioned the appearance of Nicodemus. What did he come for?

  8. How much do you know about Nicodemus? (John 3:1-13, 7:45-51)

  9. Where was Jesus’ tomb?

  10. Why did both women in verse 47 want to know where Jesus was buried?

  11. Why did the chief priests request Pilate to send the watch to guard the tomb?

  12. What do you think of the feelings of the eleven disciples at the time of burial?

  13. What can we appreciate from the acts of Joseph and Nicodemus?

  14. What reflection do you have from Joseph and Nicodemus?