
Judged by Pilate (Mk 15:1-15; Mt 27:1-2,11-26; Lk 23:1-25; Jn 18:28-19:16)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. Why did the chief priests deliver Jesus to Pilate?

  2. Why didn’t the chief priests enter ‘the judgment hall’ (John 18:28) and put forward their charges?

  3. What prompted Pilate to ask Jesus if he was the King of the Jews (v2)? What charges did the chief priests make before Pilate prior to asking that question?

  4. Please read Luke 23:1-3. Why did the chief priests bring up those charges? How serious were the charges?

  5. According to the account in the Gospel of John, how did Jesus answer the question in verse 2?

  6. What did Pilate think of the charges brought up by the chief priests in Luke 23:1-3? Why? (Mark 12:13-17)

  7. To whom did Pilate pass the case later for handling? What was the outcome?

  8. What are the common things in Jesus’ response between Pilate’s and Caiaphas’ questioning?

  9. Why did Pilate desire to release Jesus?

  10. Pilate knew that the chief priests delivered Jesus for ‘envy’ (v10). What did he actually mean?

  11. Did the Jewish people demand Pilate to release Barabbas initially? What do you think how the chief priests ‘moved’ (v11) the people to do so?

  12. According to the description in John 19:6-12, why did Pilate insist on releasing Jesus at the last moment?

  13. What made Pilate finally surrender to the request of the Jews?

  14. What did Pilate do in an attempt to evade the responsibility? What do you think of the overall performance of Pilate?

  15. What can you learn from Pilate?

  16. What can you learn from Jesus?

  17. In the judgment process, where can we see the hand of God?