
The last supper (Mk 14:10-25)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. When and what made Judas begin to think of betraying Jesus? How much did the chief priests give him? (Matt 26:15)

  2. What time and where did Judas choose to betray Jesus? How did he know that Jesus would appear there at that time? (Luke 21:37)

  3. Jesus gave the disciples instruction to prepare the supper. If we compare this with the instruction he gave them to get a colt for him (Mark 11:1-6), what is common with the two? What does it tell us?

  4. What key messages did Jesus convey during the supper?

  5. How did Jesus confirm the betrayer to be Judas Iscariot? (John 13:26, Matt 26:25)

  6. Did the rest of the disciples know the betrayer was Judas? (John 13:27-30)

  7. What lesson should we learn in Judas’ case? (John 12:6, 13:27; James 1:14-15; Ephe 4:27)

  8. Please read Luke 6:12-13. Why did Jesus choose Judas to be one of the 12 disciples? Has he made a gross error in selecting disciples?

  9. In the Communion, Jesus said, “This is my blood of the new testament.” (v24) What did he really mean by that? (Heb 9:17-18, 22, 28)

  10. In what ways is the new testament better than the old one? (Heb 8:6, 9:14, 10:10)

  11. What is the purpose of keeping the Communion? (Luke 22:19, I Cor 11:23-26)

  12. What does Paul remind us to take note of when we partake of the Communion service? How do you ‘examine yourself’ in the Communion? (I Cor 11:27-32)