
The 1st and 2nd commandments (Mk 12:28-34)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. Where in the OT is the first commandment from? Do you think that the scribe could guess this commandment? Why? (Deut 6:4-5)

  2. Where in the OT is the second commandment from? Has the scribe ever asked Jesus what the second commandment was? Why did Jesus mention it? (Lev 19:18)

  3. Why is the second commandment more important than many other commandments in the OT?

  4. Is there any relationship between the first and second commandments?

  5. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (v31) Who is the ‘neighbor’ that Jesus meant? (Luke 10:29-37)

  6. Why did Jesus feel that the scribe “answered discreetly” (回答得有智慧)(v34) in response to the second commandment?

  7. Please read Gen 4:1-7. Have you ever committed the same fault as Cain did?

  8. Jesus said that the scribe was not far from the kingdom of God.(v34) What else did he lack to reach the kingdom of God?

  9. Who are the ones you think that are far from the kingdom of God?

  10. Have you ever been able to do the saying "love thy neighbor as thyself"? Can you think of a few things that you have loved someone as yourself?