
Healed the blind beggar (Mk 10:46-52; Mt 20:29-34)

(Questions for meditation)
  1. In the past healing accounts, the names of those who were healed were not mentioned at all. Why did the author reveal the name of the blind beggar this time?

  2. Before Bartimaeus asked Jesus for healing, what sorts of difficulties did he have to overcome?

  3. What is the difference of “Jesus, son of David’ and “Jesus of Nazareth”? What did it tell of the belief of Bartimaeus? (John 1:45-46)

  4. In verse 48, how did Bartimaeus show his great faith in Jesus? What aspect(s) of faith?

  5. What did Bartimaeus’ act of “casting away his garment” (v50) imply?

  6. Why didn’t Jesus take any move besides speaking in his healing process? Compared with the account in Matt 20:34, what message does the author of Mark want to convey?

  7. Jesus said “thy faith hath made thee whole” in the end.(v52) What message did he want to bring out?

  8. Bartimaeus decided to follow Jesus. What’s its implication for him and others?

  9. Have you followed Jesus? Why? How different is your life since then?