
Choice of riches on earth or riches in heaven (Mk 10:17-31)

(Questions for meditation)
  1. What kind of person was the man that came to Jesus for eternal life? What’s his attitude and what did his attitude indicate? (Matt 19:20; Luke 18:18)

  2. Why did Jesus feel the greeting of “Good Master” unsuitable for him? What message did he want to come across?

  3. Do you think that the question raised by the person has any problem(s) in itself?

  4. Jesus “beholding him loved him” (v21). What made Jesus love the person?

  5. Why was it not sufficient for him to obtain eternal life by doing all the commandments of God?

  6. Why did Jesus require him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor? What’s his implication for the requirement?

  7. Suppose the person was willing to sell all his possessions, do you think Jesus would truly require him to do it as he said? Why?

  8. What were the two choices that Jesus required the person to make? Why did Jesus present the first choice before presenting the second one?

  9. Which of the two requirements that Jesus listed you think is more difficult to fulfill?

  10. Isn’t God’s salvation unconditional? Why did Jesus need the person to fulfill the two requirements before he could obtain eternal life?

  11. Why is it more difficult for the rich people to enter the kingdom of God?

  12. The disciples asked, “Who then can be saved?” (v26) Did they worry about anything? How does God help people to get saved?

  13. What is the reward of forsaking everything for Jesus and the gospel?

  14. Jesus said that “he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses…” (v30) What was he referring to?

  15. Do we really have to forsake our family and everything in order to follow Jesus?

  16. “Many that are first shall be last; and the last first.” (v31) What does it really mean? Is it related to verses 28-30?

  17. If you were the person, how would you respond to Jesus?