
Satan's temptation (Mk 1:12-13; Mt 4:1-11)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. Why doesn’t Mark record the process of the temptation for Jesus? What is the main difference between Mark and Matthew/Luke regarding the recording of Jesus’ life? What does it tell you about the theme of Mark?

  2. What is ‘temptation’? How is it related to Satan? (James 1:14-15; I Peter 5:8-9)

  3. Is there any relationship between temptation and God? (James 1:13)

  4. Why would the Spirit lead Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted by Satan? (James 1:12; Hebrews 4:15)

(first temptation)

     5.  Besides fasting, what do you think Jesus would do in the wilderness?

     6.  Why would Jesus fast for exactly 40 days before Satan came to tempt him?

     7.  Do you think Satan really believed that Jesus could turn stone to food?

     8.  Is there anything wrong with Jesus for turning stone to food just to stop his hunger? Why would Jesus still
          refuse to do it?

     9.  In your normal life (e.g. walking on the street), in what situation will you have the feeling of being tempted?
          How will you react?

   10.  Where did Jesus quote for his answer? What’s the meaning of his answer? What do you learn from his
          answer? (Deut 8:3)

(second temptation)

   11.  Why would Satan call Jesus to jump down from the top of the temple?

   12.  Why would Satan quote the Bible verses?

   13.  What’s the problem with the Bible verses that Satan used? What do you learn from his tactic? (Psalm

   14.  What is the meaning of ‘tempting God’? Where did Jesus quote for his answer? What did his answer mean
          to Satan and himself? (Deut 6:16)

   15.  What do you learn from Jesus answering Satan with the Bible verse again?

(third temptation)

   16.  Do you think that Satan could really give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world with their glory?

   17.  Why was Jesus not moved at all by his offer? (Ephe 1:22; Phil 2:5-11)

   18.  What is the meaning of Jesus’ answer to Satan? (Matt 16:23)

   19.  What do you learn from this temptation? (Mark 10:43-45)

   20.  What are the differences in the nature of the three temptations? Did Jesus prove himself the Son of God by
          his answers? (I John 2:15-17)

   21.  What is the secret of Jesus’ success of overcoming the temptations?

   22.  Which of the three temptations is the most alluring to you?

   23.  What kind(s) of temptation are you facing in your life today? How can this passage help you to overcome it?