
Implications of the Prophets


The duty of the prophets is to give warning messages to the people of Israel and all the people of the world as well. The prophets are set as a watchman (守望的人) for the people of the Lord: “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.” This is the command of the Lord for Ezekiel. The wicked who ignores his warning shall die but he saves himself; however, if Ezekiel does not give warning, the wicked shall die but the Lord shall require the wicked’s blood at his hand (「我卻要向你討他喪命的罪」). The same principle applies to a righteous man who turns from his righteousness to commit sin. (Ezek 3:16-21; 33:7-9)

For the people of Israel, the prophets usually list their sins and call for their repentance, or they will suffer from the attack of their enemies and the captivity in the end. The prophets even prophesy their captivity by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. Thanks to God’s mercy, they shall be brought back to Israel from captivity. For the nations that afflict the people of Israel, they shall receive punishment from God as He reveals His righteousness and takes revenge for His people. These nations are proud of their own strength and might instead of honouring the God of heaven and earth.

The prophets also prophesy the dreadful day of the end of the world, the moment when God will pour His wrath upon all the unrighteous at the final battle of Meggidon (米吉多). This is also an expression of God’s righteousness and His sovereignty. Nevertheless, the Lord has provided an exit of redeeming the “remnant” of His people. The prophets prophesy the coming of the Messiah, his birth, his ministry, his suffering and victory over power and death. By the mouth of the prophets, the Lord urges everyone to repent from sins and come to Him for mercy. Otherwise, at the second coming of the Messiah, they shall receive final judgment from the Lord. For those who return from their evil ways and worship the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, the Lord will grant them a new heart and a new spirit. They are bound by the new and everlasting covenant to be God’s people and the Lord will be their God. They shall inherit the kingdom of God, in which new heavens and a new earth shall be created and new Jerusalem shall be built. And the Lord’s people shall joyfully inhabit there and worship the King forever. On the contrary, the unrighteous shall receive God’s eternal judgment and be tortured by eternal fire.


An overview of all the Books of the Prophets helps discover many themes. Below are a list of these themes and some of their supporting verses are given in subsections.

  • The captivity of Judah and Israel, as well as the return of the captivity
  • God’s wrath on the nations for their pride and His vengeance on behalf of Israel
  • God’s sovereignty over mankind
  • God is the Redeemer (Savior) of all
  • The Messiah
  • Deliver the remnant of God's people
  • New creation—new covenant, new spirit and new Jerusalem
  • The Day of the Lord
  • The meaning of 70 years of captivity
  • The final battle of Meggidon (米吉多)
  • God’s righteousness and people’s repentance